
There are many legal training opportunities provided for county attorneys throughout the year. These opportunities usually consist of multiple topic seminars that are applicable to county government and allow the participant to receive CLE credit hours for attending. While many of these seminars are either provided by or coordinated through ACCG, additional opportunities are available through professional legal training organizations.

ACCG strives to select topics for seminars that are timely and are of interest to county attorneys. If you would like to suggest topics for training or are interested in presenting a topic, please complete and submit the relevant information on the Legal Training Proposal Form.

  • Training Resources
    ACCG County Attorneys' Section CLE

    Each year at the ACCG Annual Meeting in Savannah a County Attorneys CLE Seminar and Breakfast is provided that includes the installation of the new ACCG County Attorneys Section President, presentations on numerous county government topics and a legislative update. County attorneys can sign up for this seminar through their county clerk as part of the county registration for the ACCG Annual Meeting and non-county attorneys can register through ACCG by requesting a form through the ACCG Legal Administrative Assistant.

    International Municipal Lawyers Association (IMLA)

    A great opportunity to learn about legal issues that may not only impact Georgia counties but counties across the nation is by attending conferences provided by the International Municipal Lawyers Association (IMLA). IMLA is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the interests and education of local government lawyers. Each year IMLA holds an annual and midyear multi-day conference that provides numerous opportunities to learn about local government legal issues. In addition to their two major conferences, IMLA also provides other training opportunities through webinars and one day seminars on specific topics.

    Metro County Attorney Seminar

    At least twice a year, ACCG facilitates a “lunch and learn” session for county attorneys in the metro Atlanta area to discuss legal topics that specifically impact these counties. These sessions are hosted by a different metro county for each meeting and usually highlight one or two topics of interest. These sessions also provide an opportunity for county attorneys to discuss hot topics relevant to the metro area.

    Continuing Legal Education Seminars

    Each year, a number of CLE courses are provided through the Institute of Continuing Legal Education in Georgia (ICLE). The ICLE is the not-for-profit educational service of the State Bar of Georgia; and is a consortium of the Bar and the Law Schools of the Universities of Georgia, Emory, Mercer, Georgia State and the John Marshall Law School.

    The most popular CLE course for county attorneys is the Institute for City and County Attorneys held each fall in Athens. This two-day course provides 12 CLE credits including trial, ethics and professionalism requirements. ACCG and GMA work with the ICLE to create a yearly seminar that covers relevant topics for city and county attorneys. Another popular ICLE seminar for county attorneys is the Nuts and Bolts of Local Government Law, which is typically held in Atlanta. In addition to live seminars, ICLE also provides online, satellite and video CLE opportunities.