Lifelong Learning Academy
The ACCG Lifelong Learning Academy was created with significant input from county commissioners. These experienced commissioners identified the core and specialty track requirements and participated in the development of course outlines based on the issues and decision making challenges regularly faced by county officials. The ACCG Lifelong Learning Committee, composed of county commissioners along with staff from ACCG and the University of Georgia Carl Vinson Institute of Government regularly review the course requirements and curriculum and make adjustments as needed to keep the subject matter relevant and engaging for participants.
The ACCG Lifelong Learning Academy includes three components:
- Core Certification - The ACCG Lifelong Learning Academy core certification includes eight courses as well as a two-day Leadership Institute for a total of 66 hours of required courses. County officials who complete the core certification achieve the status of "Certified County Commissioner" and are eligible for a $100 monthly stipend from their county.
Specialty Certification - Following the completion of the core certification, county officials can work on specialty certifications, providing even more in-depth courses in areas such as economic development, intergovernmental relations or revenue and finance. The specialty certification program is designed to be flexible in order to provide training on current issues and best practices. Each specialty certification requires an additional 48 hours of coursework.
- Continuing Education - ACCG encourages all county commissioners, as well as appointed officials, regardless of tenure in office or position, to engage in, and continue on a path of, Lifelong Learning. Elected and appointed officials can accomplish this by taking core and specialty track courses offered within the Lifelong Learning Academy (LLA) and/or participating in ACCG workshops, meetings, and conferences. Continuing Education is an investment that will return dividends in the form of better-informed decisions by county officials who pursue excellence through learning.
More Academy Information
Continuing Education
Learn more about the importance of continuing education beyond CORE and Specialty Track certifications
Check My Training Record
Find out what classes you need to complete a level of certification through ACCG.
Certified Commissioners & County Officials
An official listing of individuals that have achieved certification through ACCG and CVIOG.
UGA Carl Vinson Institute of Government
Learn more about services offered by ACCG's official continuing education partner.