Call for Nominations: 2020 ACCG Awards & Recognition Program
ACCG is now accepting nominations until Friday, March 6, 2020 for the 2020 ACCG Awards & Recognition Program which serves as a way to recognize the individuals who provide outstanding contributions to their local community. The ACCG Leadership Awards are the highest honors given to elected or appointed county officials or other individuals who have made significant contributions through public service in local government and other involvement within the community and/or the state level.
Emory Greene Leadership Award
The Emory Greene Leadership Award, the highest award presented by the Association County Commissioners of Georgia, recognizes one elected county commissioner who best exemplifies outstanding commitment to his community and state.
If the nominee is a county government official, all nomination forms must be signed by the county chairman. If the chairman is the nominee, nomination forms must be signed by the county manager/administrator or clerk.
Jerry R. Griffin Leadership Award
The Jerry R. Griffin Excellence in Public Service Award was created to recognize an individual who has made significant contributions to the citizens of the state of Georgia through public service in county government. The Award recognizes an appointed county staff member or another individual who has had a lasting impact through county government public service and/or in his or her community.
If the nominee is a county government official, all nomination forms must be signed by the county chairman. If the chairman is the nominee, nomination forms must be signed by the county manager/administrator or clerk.
An overview of each award can be found here.
To submit a nomination for the Emory Greene or Jerry R. Griffin Award, click here.
Youth Leadership Award
The Youth Leadership of the Year Award was created to recognize up-and-coming young leaders who represent ACCG's passion for community and excellence. The Award recognizes someone who has an understanding of what skills effective leaders possess and has made an impact at school and in the community.
To submit a nomination for the Youth Award, click here.
County Clerk of the Year Award
While the responsibilities of the clerks vary from county to county, these individuals play an integral role in supporting elected and appointed officials and fulfilling many of the day-to-day responsibilities of county government. Each year, the Georgia County Clerks Association selects a county clerk to receive the honor of County Clerk of the Year. This award recognizes outstanding performance and professionalism in government as performed by the county clerk.
To submit a nomination for the Clerk Award, click here. Once completed, send to the Georgia County Clerks’ Association awards selection committee – see the clerks’ application for details.
Nominations for all awards must be submitted no later than Friday, March 6 2020 by 5 p.m. Once forms are completed, they can be mailed to the ACCG office, emailed to ACCG Communications Coordinator Nicole Butler at [email protected]. All Clerk of the Year nominations must be submitted to the Georgia County Clerks’ Association awards selection committee – see the clerks’ application for details.
As an alternative to the traditional paper application, counties can submit a video nomination for this year’s awards. Video nominations may include more than one person in the county office of the nominee and must still answer the questions on the nomination form. For example, this method may be used if several people in a county commissioner’s office have testimonials about efforts the nominee has made to improve their community. Videos must be no longer than five minutes in length and can be submitted via the online application or as an email attachment.