2024 Employee Safety Grants Available
Eligible members of the ACCG - Group Self-Insurance Workers' Compensation Fund (ACCG-GSIWCF) can now apply for the 2024 Employee Safety Grant Program. The program, which began in 2019 by authorization of the ACCG-GSIWCF Board of Trustees, allows eligible members their portion of $500,000 grant funds. These funds provide financial assistance to members for additional training, equipment, and/or services meant to reduce employees' work-related injuries. Eligible members must be active members at the time of the distribution who have earned the 2024 Safety Discount and are current on their contributions (premiums) to the ACCG-GSIWCF.
The one-page application and simple requirements document were recently emailed to members along with the pre-approved grant items. This list of items is not enclusive and other items that help reduce workers' compensation claims may be submitted for approval. Applications will be accepted until August 30, 2024, with all purchases made and invoices submitted no later than October 31, 2024.
The opportunity to receive these grants is just one of the many benefits of membership in the ACCG Workers' Compensation Fund. Please contact Dan Beck, Local Government Risk Management Services (LGRMS) Director, at 678-686-6279 or [email protected] or Joe Dan Thompson with ACCG, at 404-205-2843 or [email protected], should you have any questions.