Public Service Apprenticeship Program Webinar

The Technical College of Georgia has partnered with ACCG to host a webinar on October 1, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. about the newly created Public Service Apprenticeship Program and how counties can participate. This program provides funds to public sector employers, including counties, to support registered apprenticeship programs. The webinar will feature information about the High Demand Apprenticeship Program (HDAP) a program that provides funding to Georgia employers to incentivize the creation and expansion of registered apprenticeship programs throughout the state. It aims to both upskill Georgians and increase skilled talent within Georgia’s high-demand industries. The webinar will also expound on what is required for counties to participate. Time will be allotted for questions at the end of the presentation. Registration is required to participate in the webinar. Register here.

For more information on HDAP, visit: