Timber Harvest Notification Website

ACCG and the Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC) hosted a Timber Harvest Notification Website Webinar on Tuesday, May 23. 

On July 1, 2023, the website will become the required format for counties to recieve timber harvest notifications. This webinar provided a demo of the website, opportunity to hear from counties who are experienced users of the website, an overview of the model ordinance. 

A recording of the webinar can be found here: ACCG – GFC Timber Harvest Notification Website Webinar on Vimeo


Background Info:

The Georgia Forestry Commission's new timber harvest notification site is live. The site can be accessed at https://gatrees.org/forest-management-conservation/timber-harvest-notification. This website, hosted by the Georgia Forestry Commission, is a result of House Bill 897 that passed during the 2020 legislative Session. Details on that legislation and a copy of the ACCG drafted Model Timber Ordinance can be found here.

Counties with a timber harvest ordinance in place should be using the new online system. On July 1, 2023, the website will become the required format for counties to receive timber harvest notifications. Here are a few key points about the new system:

    • Any county or city with an ordinance or resolution that requires notification of timber harvest can participate 
    • Counties, cities and timber harvesters can sign-up on the website 
    • Map of Participating Local Governments

More information can be found here, as well as on this video announcement: Timber Harvest Notification Website - YouTube.

Questions? Please contact the Georgia Forestry Commission ([email protected]), Mike O’Quinn ([email protected]), or Kathleen Bowen ([email protected]).