Miller County

Miller County took its lands from Baker and Early counties in 1856. It bears the name of Judge Andrew J. Miller who is best remembered for introducing legislation giving married women separate property rights. Colquitt, the county seat, is named for Judge Walter T. Colquitt, jurist and legislator of the antebellum period.

Contact Information

Address 179 South Cuthbert Street, Colquitt GA 39837
Telephone 229.758.4104
Fax 229.758.2229

Statistics and Rates

2008 Population 6185 (State Rank: 149)
Incorporated Millage Rate 19.93
Unincorporated Millage Rate 19.93
County Bond 0
School Maintenance/Operations 15.57
School Bond 0.67
Total Incorporated 36.17
Total Unincorporated 36.17


County Officials