2018 Legislative Session Begins Jan. 8: Access the Legislative Toolkit

The 2018 Legislative Session begins on Jan. 8 in Atlanta/Fulton County, GA. ACCG urges county officials to become familiar with all significant issues by reviewing the association's Legislative Toolkit before the General Assembly convenes. The 2018 Legislative Toolkit serves as a concise summary of  ACCG's Top Three Legislative Prioritie and the Policy Agenda. As part of ACCG’s policy development process, county officials identify specific, actionable items for the association’s lobbyists to further, which make up the 2018 Policy Agenda.

The Legislative Toolkit can be found here.

ACCG’s 2018 Top Three Legislative Priorities are:

  1. Broadband Connected Georgia
  2. Sales Tax Reform
  3. Modernization and Balanced Funding of the E-911 System

For details on each priority, check out the toolkit.

Use the ACCG Legislative Tracking Database to Monitor Bills

 To keep county officials updated on the numerous bills that impact county government, ACCG created the Legislative Tracking Database which provides bill summaries and tracking levels for all general legislation. The database also includes a listing of all local legislation introduced. Click here for a guide on how to use the database. 

The seven standing policy committees have each identified several issues to focus on, found within the County Platform below: