Hogan Construction Group, LLC
Adam Killen5075 Avalon Ridge Parkway
Norcross, GA 30071
Phone: 770.242.8588
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.hoganconstructiongroup.com
Our Satisfaction Comes From Getting Things Done – and Done Right At Hogan, our “process” starts with a handshake and a promise. That we’re going to do right by you and your project. That we’re going to be honest and upfront, always. That we’re going to tackle your most complex technical challenges with expertise and tenacity. That whatever we’re building for you – an elementary school, a town hall, a leading edge production facility, a data center five football fields long, a boutique hotel, a healthcare center, or a house of worship – will be as great as we can make it. Construction is and will always be a high-stakes business of budgets and bottom lines, timelines and deadlines, moving parts and people – that can all change at a moment’s notice. Which means it’s not a question of if there will be challenges, but when. Our ability to quickly respond and adeptly adapt to those challenges is what makes us different. What makes first-time clients become long-time friends. What makes us get out of bed every morning – and get after it. Because everything we build on the inside – people, community, skills, and dedication – makes everything we build on the outside possible.