2024 GCIP Grant Recipients Selected

Each year, the ACCG Civic Affairs Foundation (Foundation) provides grant funding for counties to hire summer interns. Forty-five internships were selected by the Foundation Georgia County Internship Program (GCIP) Review Committee in February to receive grant funding for the summer of 2024. Grant award winners and their winning projects can be viewed here. These grants will provide internship opportunities in Geographical Information Systems (GIS), law, communications, human resources, environmental management, transportation, planning, community development, finance, and other county departments in 30 counties throughout the state. 

In addition to the general grants provided through the Foundation, three specialty grants were awarded this year. The Kundell Environmental Management Internship Grant, created by the Foundation in honor of the late Dr. Jim Kundell, has been awarded for two internships in Carroll and Floyd counties. These internships will include a solid waste project focused on trash trends and recycling and an agricultural design project. The Garner Health and Human Service Internship, created by the Foundation in honor of late Fulton County Commissioner Joan Garner, has been awarded to Chatham County for a legal literacy project. New for this year, the Verizon Foundation provided a special grant to cover the cost of internships for three rural counties this summer. This grant was awarded to Ware County for its planning and codes records project, Towns County for its roads database project, and Charlton County for its 4-H extension project.