Baldwin County

Baldwin County was created in 1803 from Creek Indian lands. It is named for Abraham Baldwin, a member of the Continental Congress and author of legislation which established the nation's first state uni­versity, the University of Georgia. Milledgeville, the county seat, was state capital for 61 years. It is named for John Milledge, a Revolutionary leader, member of Congress, Georgia governor and donor of most of the land on which the university was built.

Contact Information

Address 121 North Wilkinson Street, Milledgeville GA 31061
Telephone 478.445.4791
Fax 478.445.6320

Statistics and Rates

2008 Population 46716 (State Rank: 43)
Incorporated Millage Rate 8.64
Unincorporated Millage Rate 8.64
County Bond 0
School Maintenance/Operations 16.07
School Bond 0
Total Incorporated 24.71
Total Unincorporated 24.71


County Officials