Burke County

Burke County is one of the original counties dating to 1777 when the first state constitution designated it from the Colonial parish of St. George. It was later divided to form Screven and Jefferson counties. Its name honors Edmond Burke, a member of Parliament who supported the colonies' interests. Waynesboro, the county seat, is named for General "Mad" Anthony Wayne of Revolutionary War fame.

Contact Information

Address P.O. Box 89, Waynesboro GA 30830
Telephone 706.554.2324
Fax 706.554.0350
Website http://www.burkecounty-ga.gov

Statistics and Rates

2008 Population 22732 (State Rank: 79)
Incorporated Millage Rate 6.733
Unincorporated Millage Rate 6.264
County Bond 0
School Maintenance/Operations 12.75
School Bond 0
Total Incorporated 19.483
Total Unincorporated 19.014


County Officials