Cherokee County

Cherokee County was created by legislative act in 1830 from lands previously held by the Cherokee Nation. It was later divided into 24 counties. Forcible removal of the Cherokees opened the area to settlers looking for cheap land, and some, seeking the source of gold some of the Indians used in trade. Canton, the county seat, is named for the city in China. Founders of the town tried to initiate silk production there, but nothing more than the name survived that venture.

Contact Information

Address 1130 Bluffs Parkway, Canton GA 30114
Telephone 678.493.6000
Fax 678.493.6013

Statistics and Rates

2008 Population 210529 (State Rank: 7)
Incorporated Millage Rate 4.381
Unincorporated Millage Rate 4.381
County Bond 0
School Maintenance/Operations 18.45
School Bond 0.4
Total Incorporated 23.231
Total Unincorporated 23.231


County Officials