Crisp County

Crisp County was designated in 1905 from territory formerly part of Dooly County. It is named for Charles Frederick Crisp, a jurist and speaker of the U. S. House of Representatives from 1891 until 1893. Cordele, the county seat, is another "child of the railroad" that grew with the economy at a rail junction. It is named for the daughter of the railroad's president.

Contact Information

Address 210 South 7th Street, Cordele GA 31015
Telephone 229.276.2672
Fax 229.276.2675

Statistics and Rates

2008 Population 22162 (State Rank: 81)
Incorporated Millage Rate 10.749
Unincorporated Millage Rate 10.749
County Bond 0
School Maintenance/Operations 16.45
School Bond 0
Total Incorporated 27.199
Total Unincorporated 27.199


County Officials