Paulding County

Paulding County was designated from part of Cherokee County in 1832, its name honoring John Paulding, a Revolutionary soldier who helped capture Major Andre, accomplice of Benedict Arnold in a plot to overthrow the young nation. Dallas, the present county seat, is named for a Pennsylvania statesman who became vice president of the United States.

Contact Information

Address 240 Constitution Boulevard, Dallas GA 30132
Telephone 770.443.7550 ext 202
Fax 770.443.7537

Statistics and Rates

2008 Population 133135 (State Rank: 15)
Incorporated Millage Rate 6.65
Unincorporated Millage Rate 6.65
County Bond 1.6
School Maintenance/Operations 18.909
School Bond 2.963
Total Incorporated 30.122
Total Unincorporated 30.122


County Officials