Putnam County

Putnam County, created in 1807, is named for General Israel Putnam of Connecticut who first distinguished himself fighting with the British in Pontiac's War. Later as a Patriot, he was one of the commanders who led the Revolutionary fighters at the Battle of Breeds Hill near Boston, the engagement misnamed the Battle of Bunker Hill. Eatonton, the county seat, is named for Commander William Eaton, naval agent to the Barbary states during the 1805 war with Tripoli.

Contact Information

Address 117 Putnam Drive, Suite A, Eatonton GA 31024
Telephone 706.485.5826
Fax 706.923.2345
Website http://www.putnamcountyga.us

Statistics and Rates

2008 Population 20385 (State Rank: 89)
Incorporated Millage Rate 5.4
Unincorporated Millage Rate 5.4
County Bond 0
School Maintenance/Operations 10.25
School Bond 0
Total Incorporated 15.65
Total Unincorporated 15.65


County Officials