Spalding County

Spalding County was created in 1851 taking its territory from Fayette, Henry and Pike counties. It is named for Thomas Spalding of Frederica who was the first Georgian known to have harvested cotton and cane successfully. He also served in the state legislature, in Congress and was a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1798. Griffin, the county seat, is named for L. L. Griffin, first president of the Monroe Railroad, later the Central of Georgia.

Contact Information

Address P.O. Box 1087, Griffin GA 30224
Telephone 770.467.4224
Fax 770.467.4227

Statistics and Rates

2008 Population 63913 (State Rank: 35)
Incorporated Millage Rate 14.88
Unincorporated Millage Rate 14.88
County Bond 0
School Maintenance/Operations 18.8
School Bond 0
Total Incorporated 33.68
Total Unincorporated 33.68


County Officials