Telfair County

Telfair County was designated in 1807 with territory taken from Wilkinson County. It is named for Governor Edward Telfair who was born in Scotland, championed the colonies' complaints against King George III and served as a delegate to the Council of Safety and to the Continental Congress. He was twice governor of Georgia. McRae, the county seat, is named for a pioneer Scot family of the area. Most of the early settlers here were immigrants from Scotland, Presbyterians who had come first to North Carolina and then moved south to obtain better lands.

Contact Information

Address 91 Telfair Avenue, Suite A, McRae GA 31055
Telephone 229.868.5688
Fax 229.868.7950

Statistics and Rates

2008 Population 13355 (State Rank: 112)
Incorporated Millage Rate 13.199
Unincorporated Millage Rate 13.199
County Bond 0
School Maintenance/Operations 15.99
School Bond 0
Total Incorporated 29.189
Total Unincorporated 29.189


County Officials