Wayne County

Wayne County came into being in 1803 from cession of Creek Indian land. Present boundaries include part of old Appling County. Glynn, Camden and Charlton counties were later to draw territory from Wayne. Its name honors General "Mad" Anthony Wayne, a flamboyant fighter from Pennsylvania who conducted his daring exploits against the British in several southern campaigns. He was briefly a member of Congress from Georgia. Jesup, the county seat, is named for General Jesup who fought Creek Indians along the border in 1836.

Contact Information

Address P.O. Box 270, Jesup GA 31598
Telephone 912.427.5900
Fax 912.427.5906
Website https://www.waynecountyga.us

Statistics and Rates

2008 Population 29509 (State Rank: 57)
Incorporated Millage Rate 12.97
Unincorporated Millage Rate 12.97
County Bond 1.5
School Maintenance/Operations 16.5
School Bond 0
Total Incorporated 30.97
Total Unincorporated 30.97


County Officials