Worth County

Worth County was organized in 1853 from land formerly in Dooly and Irwin counties. It is named for Major General William J. Worth, a commander in the Mexican War. William A. Harris who helped organize the new county had served under him. The oldest military road in Georgia, the Thigpen Trail, led through Worth County from the Broad River in South Carolina to the Gulf of Mexico following the divide above the Chattahoochee

Contact Information

Address 201 North Main Street, Room 30, Sylvester GA 31791
Telephone 229.776.8200
Fax 229.776.8232
Website http://worthcountyboc.com

Statistics and Rates

2008 Population 21306 (State Rank: 86)
Incorporated Millage Rate 10.262
Unincorporated Millage Rate 10.262
County Bond 0
School Maintenance/Operations 14.25
School Bond 0
Total Incorporated 24.512
Total Unincorporated 24.512


County Officials