GTA Accepting Submissions for 2017 Georgia Technology Innovation Showcase

Mark Clark
Office of Communications
Georgia Technology Authority

Submissions Now Being Accepted for 2017 Georgia Technology Innovation Showcase


Submissions are now being accepted for the 2017 Georgia Technology Innovation Showcase. For the sixth consecutive year, the Georgia Technology Authority (GTA) is sponsoring the showcase to recognize government agencies at all levels for their innovative use of technology and to serve as a forum for sharing ideas, experiences, and lessons learned.

The deadline for submissions is March 10, 2017.

GTA is looking for projects in the following 10 categories that were initiated no earlier than January 1, 2015, and completed by December 31, 2016:

  • Cross-boundary Collaboration and Partnerships
  • Cybersecurity
  • Digital Government – Government to Business
  • Digital Government – Government to Citizen
  • Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
  • Emerging and Innovative Technologies
  • Enterprise IT Management Initiatives
  • Improving State or Local Government Operations
  • Information Communications Technology Innovations
  • Open Government and Data, Information, and Knowledge Management


Agencies may submit as many projects in as many categories as they would like. Before deciding on a category for a project, anyone submitting a project may want to read the category descriptions at


The online submission form at asks for details about the project, including the level of innovation in addressing a specific business problem and the significance of the project to improving operating efficiency, saving money, and enhancing service delivery.