Employment Law Resources and COVID-19

Jarrard & Davis, LLP has prepared employment law resources for counties addressing the unique needs and concerns arising out of the COVID-19 pandemic. The resources, in which county officials are encouraged to review with their county attorneys, address the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) and include sample forms for requesting Emergency Family and Medical Leave Expansion Act (EFMLEA) and Emergency Paid Sick Leave.  A general overview about the Unemployment Insurance Benefits Related to COVID-19 has also been provided to assist counties with the application of the Emergency Rule adopted by the Georgia Department of Labor.  Considerations related to other federal laws are provided as well.

U.S. Department of Labor Updates


Employment Law Resources from Jarrard & Davis, LLP

As always, county officials are advised to consult with their county attorney on any specific questions and applications of the laws as the information contained in these documents should not be construed as legal advice. Moreover, the state of the law is changing rapidly as developments in public health recommendations and emergency orders continue to evolve. Organizations that are members of the ACCG – Interlocal Risk Management Agency (ACCG-IRMA) may also contact Angela Davis through the HR Legal Service by submitting a request here.