Core Certification
The ACCG Lifelong Learning Academy core certification includes nine courses covering 66 hours of require courses. Upon completion, officials achieve the status of "Certified County Commissioner: and are eligible for a $100 monthly stipend from their county.
County officials also are encouraged to take courses through the ACCG Lifelong Learning Academy. Indiviuals who complete the core certification are recognized as "Certified County Officials." However, the state statute that allows for counties to provide a $100 monthly stipend for county commissioners who achieve the status of "Certified County Commissioner" does not apply to county officials.
The following courses are required to achieve core certification:
- County Government 101 - Study how and why counties exist, their role and responsibilities - what they must do and what they may do - and how you as a commissioner can influence the future positively
- County Government Finance - Gain a working understanding of county government finance and tools that will help you better fulfill your financial devision-making and policy adoption responsibilities
- County Government Law - Discover the legal role a county has, how counties fit within the legal hierarchy of U.S. government, the legal context of commissioner powers and duties, and the legal roles and relationships between the board of commmissioners and other members of the county team.
- Economic Development - Explore county government's role in economic development, understand the roles of private and non-profit entities, and learn about strategies, tools, and best practices to identify your community's assets, develop an economic development plan, and work with regional partners.
- Ethics - Examine your legal, moral and ethical public sector obligations as a county commissioner with a focus on the key principles of public sector ethics, the range of consequences for public servants when ethical decision-making is in question, and the public perception/appearance of impropriety.
- Human Resources - Learn why county employees are the single most important resource in your goal to provide service to citizens with a discussion ranging from employment and labor laws to understanding the value of employees and how decisions, policies, and practices strengthen the county team while meeting existing law.
- Leadership Institute - Discover the “I, You, Me and We!” Communication and interpersonal relationships are critical to being an effective leader, and the focus is on assessing personal styles, relating to others, and building board and community relationships as you realize how these skills can guide your journey as a public leader.
- Property Appraisal and Taxation - Study the complex, but important, topic of property appraisal and taxation and its significance to county government operations. Tax digests, types of property, and property tax revenues as well as the role of commissioners, assessors and development authorities are discussed.
- Public Health and Safety - Understand the role and responsibilities of counties and commissioners during this look at the services that must be provided by law in public safety and public health, their budgetary impact, ways to allocate resources and strategies for working with other government and industry partners.
Registration and More Information
Please contact your county clerk for more information on how to register for conferences and training programs offered through ACCG.
For questions or more information on the ACCG Lifelong Learning Academy, contact:
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Continuing Education
Learn more about the importance of continuing education beyond CORE and Specialty Track certifications

Check My Training Record
Find out what classes you need to complete a level of certification through ACCG.

Certified Commissioners & County Officials
An official listing of individuals that have achieved certification through ACCG and CVIOG.

UGA Carl Vinson Institute of Government
Learn more about services offered by ACCG's official continuing education partner.