Lifelong Learning Academy Calendar

2024 Education Calendar

The ACCG Lifelong Learning Academy is now offering ongoing on-line classes. Access the calendar here.

Please note: ACCG will make every effort to keep the class schedule as it is.  However, from time to time, there could be changes made.  Please watch the final registration for final details. Class size may be limited – watch the individual session registrations for this information. 

ACCG Attendance Policy: Participants must attend the entire class to receive credit.  Partial credit will not be awarded.


Certification Hours

  • To receive CORE certification, participants must complete 9 required courses covering 66 hours. Upon completion, county commissioners achieve the status of “Certified County Commissioner” and are eligible for a $100 monthly stipend from their county.
  • To obtain Specialty Track certification, participants must complete eight (8) courses in the track, a minimum of 5 must be primary courses with a maximum of 3 courses that are designated as cross-over courses.

Continuing Education

ACCG encourages all county commissioners, as well as appointed officials, regardless of tenure in office or position, to engage in, and continue on a path of, Lifelong Learning. Elected and appointed officials can accomplish this by taking core and specialty track courses offered within the Lifelong Learning Academy (LLA) and/or participating in ACCG workshops, meetings, and conferences. Continuing Education is an investment that will return dividends in the form of better-informed decisions by county officials who pursue excellence through learning.


Specialty Track Codes

CE – Citizen Engagement Track

COM – County Operations & Management Track

ECD – Economic & Community Development Track

IR – Intergovernmental Relations Track

LD – Leadership Development Track

PS – Public Safety Track

RF – Revenue & Finance Track

QL/SI – Quality of Life/Social Issues Track


Contact Us!

Jeff Christie, ACCG Leadership Development Director,

706.340.9597, [email protected]

Nicole Logan, Leadership Development Coordinator

404.522.5022, [email protected]


Watch Your Progress!

Keep up with your ACCG Lifelong Learning Academy record through the ACCG Dashboard. 

  • If you were elected prior to 2012, your user ID is the first letter of your first name and your full last name, and your password is your county’s name. These should be all lower case. (For example, you are fictional commissioner John Doe from Campbell County.  Your user ID would be jdoe, your password would be campbell.)
  • If you were elected in 2012 or later, your user ID is the first two letters of your first name and your full last name, and your password is your county’s name. These should be all lower case. (For example, you are fictional commissioner John Doe from Campbell County.  Your user ID would be jodoe, your password campbell.)